How Duty of Care Relates to Duty of Candour?

   27 Jul 2022, Wednesday      332       Education
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How Duty of Care Relates to Duty of Candour?


Individual well-being, welfare, compliance, and ethical behavior are part of the duty of care.

All workplaces, whether they are a school and student taking contract law assignment help, a business, or nonprofit, have a moral and legal duty to make sure that everyone connected to the organization—whether an employee, a volunteer, a student, a tradesperson, or the general public—is completely protected from any personal physical and emotional harm while on the property or when participating in activities related to the establishment.

Fire safety, health and safety, food safety, personal safety, protection of children and adults (together with broader safeguards such as safer recruitment), equality, bullying, aggression, harassment, stress, or discrimination from any source are typical areas of concern.

When one person or organization owes another person or organization a duty of care but falls short of fulfilling that obligation, there has been a breach of that duty. If a person's breach of duty resulted in another person's injuries or mental illness, they might be held negligent in a personal injury proceeding.

The employer can exhibit that they have made reasonable measures to guarantee the wellness of every person connected to the establishment by demonstrating that everyone who needed training in these areas has received it and is current.

When everyone connected to an organization can see that their well-being is vital, they all feel much more valued, fostering trust and increasing job satisfaction. Additionally, they will feel empowered to voice their concerns about risky behavior and take appropriate action.

The organization can promote best practices, lower risk, eradicate ignorance, and establish and maintain a safe environment by adopting effective measures to guarantee that all appropriate personnel receive the appropriate training.


The duty of candour got onto the NHS agenda due to the Mid Staffordshire inquiry report and the long-term "interest group" campaign associated with Robbie's Law (Powell, 2020). A duty of care clause may be included in a written contract, but it is frequently an implied obligation that comes with being a corporate director. They must perform their role by making decisions that are morally, financially, and legally sound. All relevant data should be considered before making these decisions. Directors are required to behave wisely and, in the organization’s, best interests.

Therefore, the demand that directors be present informed, and involved can be summed up as the duty of care. They must exercise sound judgement, seek the counsel of authorities for reliable information, and consult meeting minutes. They must also keep up with modifications in the law, good governance, and industry standards that impact their businesses.


In essence, it means telling the truth when anything goes wrong; we have backed the creation of a formal responsibility of candour for healthcare organizations. We think that if the health and care system is open, transparent, and honest, it will greatly benefit how individuals are treated and cared for. According to the rules established by their professional regulator, professionals also have a duty of candour. Download a copy of our most recent report on the professional progress regulators have made in incorporating the obligation of professionals, to be honest with patients.

Every healthcare provider must be open and honest with the patient when something goes wrong during a patient's treatment or care and causes or has the potential to cause harm or distress. As a result, healthcare professionals should: 

  • Inform patients (or, as appropriate, the patient's advocate, carer, or family) when something has gone wrong
  • Apologize to patients (or, as appropriate, the patient's advocate, carer, or family); and 
  • Provide an appropriate remedy or support to make things right (if possible)
  • Clearly describe the short- and long-term effects of what happened to the patient (or, as appropriate, the patient's advocate, carer, or family).

Additionally, healthcare professionals must be forthright and truthful with their coworkers, employers, and pertinent organizations and participate in evaluations and investigations when asked to do so.

They must also communicate sincerely and honestly with their regulators, highlighting issues as necessary. They must support and encourage one another to be forthright and honest while allowing others to voice their concerns.


Many people may find it confusing to explain how duty of care relates to duty of candour. But it is quite simple if you understand the difference between them. Moreover, AI has it all (helpwithdissertation, 2019). You can also read about it further to clear any doubts. A legal requirement known as the duty of care requires people to take reasonable precautions to keep others safe. The obligation of honesty refers to the responsibility of medical providers to be upfront and truthful with patients about any errors or unfavorable outcomes that may have occurred during their treatment.

Healthcare practitioners must know how the duty of candour affects them because breaking it can lead to legal or criminal sanctions. The duty of candour is generally required anytime a patient has experienced an unpleasant incident that has harmed them or could have harmed them.

This encompasses any medical error, such as prescribing the incorrect drug to a patient or performing surgery on the incorrect body portion.

It's crucial to remember that the obligation to be honest, does not just apply to medical mistakes. It also applies, for instance, when unfavourable outcomes result from a mistake in judgement, such as when surgical challenges arise from obesity. It would also apply if a patient resisted treatment and later required hospitalization due to complications from the primary ailment (for example, a person with diabetes who disregarded medical advice and later required dialysis).

In addition to the ethical duty of candour, healthcare providers must fully disclose to patients any risks associated with any course of treatment or operation. According to professional standards, patients must be informed about anything that can conceivably influence their choice.

Medical personnel are required to report adverse occurrences by hospitals and other healthcare organizations for various reasons. The fundamental justification is that hospitals want to correct mistakes as soon as they are made to avoid them happening again, but they can only do this if they are made public. Another benefit of being transparent about errors is that it keeps the public confident in hospitals' capacity to deliver safe care.


HWD, (2021).  Artificial Intelligence. Online Available at [Accessed on 22nd July 2022]

Powell, M. (2020). The duty of candour and the NHS agenda. International Journal of Health Governance25(2), 107-116.

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